Check out some of my featured projects below
I built a vanilla JavaScript weather app with SheCodes Plus, an advanced 8-week JavaScript coding workshop. I gained knowledge and experience in Bootstrap, API’s, real-life development workflow, hosting and advanced JavaScript. I combined all of these skills to create a fully-functioning weather app that provides the user with a real-time weather forecast for the next 5 days and the current weather for any city entered into the search engine.
Learn moreI immersed myself into the world of AI and created a 3 day travel itinerary generator using JavaScript, API and AI which provides the user with a brief description of the culture and weather of the country along with a 3 day itinerary for any city, tropical island entered into the serch engine e.g. Bali, Tokyo, Paris.
Learn moreIn SheCodes Plus I learnt advanced skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and how to implement time zones into my code without using an API. This project gave me confidence in my coding skills and solidified my knowledge and capabilities.
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